4 Morning Rituals that Jumpstart My Day

It has taken me many years to appreciate the early hours of each day. I’ve worked incredibly hard at training my brain to shut off at night. Most of my life I’ve been a night owl, staying up until the wee hours of the morning working on projects and coming up with ideas. My creativity came alive at night, which I think I got from my mother. She’s an artist and growing up I would catch her crafting or creating something well past a normal bedtime, even when she needed to be up early in the morning to teach.

However, the older I get the more I truly appreciate the early hours of the day. There’s something magical about the calm, quiet morning hours before the hustle and traffic begins. And over the years, I’ve developed a few morning rituals that help me jumpstart my day feeling refreshed, focused and ready to take on the day. Here are my four morning rituals {besides coffee, of course} that help me jumpstart my day:   

1. Hydrate – I’ve shared this on my YouTube channel in videos, but I always begin my day by drinking a glass of water, preferably with lemon and a splash of apple cider vinegar. I do this before my morning coffee to to kickstart my digestive system, hydrate my body, and get a good dose of vitamin C.

2. Make my bed – I know this seems silly, but this is a task I used to dread…and ignore. However, a couple of years ago I read an article somewhere that stated that if you begin your day by making your bed, it gives you a sense of control over your life because it’s an easy accomplishment at the start of your day. Even though it’s small and doesn’t seem like it matters, it sets you up feeling like you can take on other challenging tasks you’ll face throughout the day because you’ve already accomplished something. Plus, it leaves your bedroom feeling less cluttered and more peaceful.

3. Journal – I love taking at least five minutes each morning to jot down a few things I’m grateful for before beginning my day. It helps me start my day with a positive and clear mind. Erin Condren and Archer & Olive are a couple of my favorite brands for notebooks and journals. I haven’t used this journal yet but it can be used as a way to reflect on your day if you’d prefer to journal at night, or make a small list of events you want to remember.   

4. Skincare – This is different for everyone but for me, skincare is a meditative morning ritual that I look forward to each day {and night}. I love using products that not only work well, but also offer an aromatic experience like this cleansing balm from Elemis or this non-greasy, hydrating body oil that smells like a spa. 

What are some of your morning rituals?



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