Slowing Down: What I’ve Learned from Taking a Break from Social Media

how to take a break from social media

Can you believe that Halloween is next week? And…I already started seeing Christmas decor out! I know it’s cliche to say this but I truly feel like this year has flown by. Why is it that the older I get, the faster time seems to pass by?

The past month or so, I’ve found myself desperately seeking a chance to s l o w  d o w n. For much of this year, my schedule has been packed with work (and I love what I do) however, I’ve been craving quiet days at home. A day to curl up on the couch and read a good book. I love staying in and cooking meals at home, especially in the fall season. There’s nothing like warm roasted acorn squash right out of the oven or a large pot of creamy butternut squash soup. Those are the meals I crave in the fall…even if the temps are still in the nineties here in Florida!

You may have also noticed that I’ve been a lot quieter on social media. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love social media. It’s given me many wonderful friendships, connections, and fulfilling work and for that I will be forever grateful. However, recently I have found myself craving time away from my phone. Instead of capturing a fun moment or experience for IG Stories, I experience them in the moment – truly savoring each moment throughout my day.

I was inspired after listening to a podcast episode with Casey Neistat (you can find it here) which got me thinking about how much time I’ve actually spent on social media since starting my YouTube channel and blog back in October 2010. That’s nine years of sharing my life online. From my early twenties and into my early thirties. Such a pivotal time frame in life! I know that my channel is nowhere near what Casey’s is, but I’ve put so much of myself into my content for the past nine years.

I can be a bit of an extreme person, too. When I dive into something, I go all in – it’s all I think about, all I work on…I make it my life.

That’s how I’ve treated my YouTube channel since day one. Not a single day goes by where I’m not brainstorming video ideas, filming, editing, responding to comments, chatting with viewers at the theme parks (and the ones I meet randomly at Target haha!), or combing through analytics….the list goes on.

I loveeeee it. But I feel myself craving a break. 

I started feeling a little burned out and out of balance in my life. Ignoring projects around my house, missing opportunities to spend time with friends, irritable for no reason…my energy started to feel depleted.  

My first reaction when I started to feel this way last month was guilt. Guilt for feeling tired of doing work that I find true joy in. Was I being too dramatic? Too weak?  

But as much as I love creating videos and content online, it’s not okay to feel overstretched beyond my limits. I had to give myself permission to take a step back from creating content. 

I needed to allow myself time to feel – really feel – how to give myself exactly what I needed. Take a breath, nurture my creativity, focus on my offline job, tend to my relationships, and find pleasure in the things I enjoy unplugged.    

Here are a few of the things I’ve enjoyed… 

  1. Since moving last year, I hadn’t taken much time to organize our kitchen So, I spent a few days buying organization bins and shelves from Ikea and cleaning out clutter. It felt so good…and inspired me to stay home and cook more often. Which leads me to…
  2. I’ve started cooking more at home and going out less. I’ve been craving free time to get creative in the kitchen and recently I’ve been experimenting with new recipes. And bonus, it’s also saved us money since we aren’t eating out as often during the week!
  3. I rarely have time to sit and watch TV, but recently Matt and I have been watching an episode or two of the The Office before bed…it’s our first time watching it! I know, we’re so behind the times, but wow, such a funny show.
  4. I finished two amazing books – Daring Greatly by Brene’ Brown (she’s one of my favorites – highly recommend any of her books!) and Self-Compassion by Kristen Neff (this was a re-read but I get something new from it each and every time I read it!)
  5. Baths! This seems so silly but oh how I’ve missed taking baths. At least a few times a week I’ve set aside enough time in the evenings for a bath. I just purchased these CBD bath salts and they are heavenly. This is usually where I do most of my reading, too! 

I think the main takeaway from my time unplugged is the importance of setting boundaries, slowing down, and being grateful for each and every moment. This season my body has craved quiet time at home…but who knows what the next season will bring. But for now, this is what I’ve needed and it feels good to give myself space and permission to just be.

how to take a break from social media

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