Healthy Habits to Start Your Day

healthy habits to start your day

healthy habits to start your day

Before I begin writing this let me preface with this…I am fully aware that we are in a global pandemic and life is far from normal. Matt has been furloughed since mid-March and we still don’t know when he will go back to work. Feeling “healthy” has been replaced with simply just making it through another day {even if I don’t remember what day it actually is…}. However, I’ve found that little moments of self-care every day can make such a big difference in my overall wellbeing. This looks like getting fully dressed each day {and no, loungewear doesn’t count}, washing my face, remembering to take my vitamins, etc. so I thought it may be helpful to share a few simple tips with you that I’ve been implementing each day to help me feel a tiny bit more healthy.

1 – Wake up Early

I am typically not a morning person. However, in June, I decided to challenge myself and start waking up at 5am each morning. The same day I made that decision,  Marie Forleo posted this video all about the benefits of waking up at 5am. That solidified it for me and I started working towards making it a daily habit that week. I will say, the past few weeks have a little rough and I’ve been waking up a little later, but it’s still between 5-6am each day. The first few hours of my days have been much more productive. I’ve been consistent in my yoga practice and don’t feel as rushed before work begins.

2 – Journal

Journaling has been a part of my life since I was a teenager. It has helped me process through many emotional times in my life. Journaling allows you a moment to get present, even if it’s just jotting down a few quick sentences each morning to set your intention for the day. I use this journal from the nutrition school that I went to and I really like the format.

3 – Make the Bed

I know this one seems a bit silly but I honestly used to skip this thinking it was a waste of my time. However several years ago, I read an article highlighting the benefits of making your bed each day and it’s been a daily habit of mine ever since. It provides a sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning which subconsciously sets the tone for your day.

4 – Skincare

This partially ties into making the bed, because my skincare actually begins with my pillowcase. I’ve been a huge advocate for silk pillowcases for the past few years. Not only are they breathable and feel amazing against your skin, they help to protect your skin and hair. Silk fibers are less absorbent than other fabrics so your skin is able to maintain moisture {bonus, they don’t absorb all of your expensive skincare products!}. With silk pillowcases, you never wake up with creases in your face or frizzy, messy hair. The silk fabric doesn’t pull or tug at your skin and hair. They’re one of my top beauty secrets. I’m partnering with LilySilk over on my YouTube channel here to tell you more about their products, so if you’d like to know more be sure to watch the video!

I also never skip a day when it comes to washing my face. I have to begin my day with my skincare routine. For me, it’s invigorating and helps me wake up. Vitamin C is an ingredient I try to incorporate in my routine as often as possible. The antioxidants help to brighten my skin and leave it feeling more awake and refreshed. This clay cleanser by Derma E has been my go-to these past few months. It contains turmeric which also helps enhance a radiant glow. For a clay based paste cleanser, it’s extremely gentle and nourishing. In fact, if you have more oil-prone skin I’d probably skip this one and try this gel-based cleanser instead.

To follow-up, I spritz this Indie Lee toner that’s hydrating and alcohol free. Then, I use this Vitamin C serum and alternate between this Elemis moisturizer with SPF 30 or this cream that is packed with peptides and skin-plumping collagen.

5 – Vitamins

Vitamins are a daily habit of mine. I alternate between brands but currently I’m taking these multivitamins from Ritual and I really love the quality. The best part? They give a minty-fresh flavor as you swallow so you don’t get an off-putting taste from the seaweed-based omega-3’s. Matt has been taking this one, too. We both really love the quality. They are made in the USA, vegan, gluten free, and GMO free.

I have also been working to improve the health of my hair since removing my hand-tied extensions back in February. These SuperHair skin and hair vitamins from Moon Juice are another favorite of mine. The addition of organic ashwaghanda is what drew me trying them. Ashwaghanda is an adaptogenic herb that helps reduce stress and stress hormones. I’ve repurchased these time and time again (I believe I’m on my fifth jar now!) and I’ve seen a huge improvement in the health of my hair. It has more shine and doesn’t break as easily. These silk hair scrunchies are also a huge help. They slip out easily without pulling and don’t leave a crease in my hair.

6 – Nutrient-Dense Breakfast

I had to figure out how long I’ve been having smoothies for breakfast. Matt and I bought this Vitamix seven years ago so that’s when we started making them daily. It was around the time I started getting interested in going back to school to become a health coach. I honestly can’t believe it’s been seven years! Smoothies are a great way to incorporate nutrient-dense fruits and veggies into your day. Tip – try to include as many greens as possible (think cucumbers, spinach, kale, celery) and less sugary fruits. We typically stick to 1/4 cup of fruit to slightly sweeten our smoothies (apples, 1/4 of a frozen banana, or berries are good options). Fruit is still sugar so less is more. Adding superfood powders is another great way to get nutrients. This one from Amazing Grass has been a favorite recently. It’s packed with mineral-rich organic spirulina, chlorella, and sea vegetables that have incredible health benefits.

7 – Movement

Doing some sort of movement in the mornings is another daily habit I try to maintain. It helps my body wake up and gets my circulation moving after a full night’s rest. I prefer to workout in the morning so I usually try to make time to fit something in. And if I don’t have enough time to do a full workout class, I try to at least do a series of Sun Salutations to help my body wakeup. If you’d like to see my fitness routine, click here to watch.

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